Instead, Love’s response to the traumatic events of her life is what makes her desire to love and be loved so relatable. Love is a messy, and yet, profoundly rootable character from beginning to end-and it’s not just because Victoria Pedretti is the internet’s newest certified girl crush. But while many find themselves sympathizing with Joe, I was drawn to the complex, irrevocably insecure Love Quinn. They’re both deeply flawed humans who, on one hand, are serial killers, and on the other, they’re people who are beyond desperate to feel unconditionally loved by someone. Love felt Joe slipping away and slipping further into Natalie-and losing her husband to the blonde next door was just too big of a threat to deal with. At this point, Joe still has not forgiven Love for her past murders and begins his cycle of obsession with Natalie. Love commits the first murder of the season when she kills their neighbor, Natalie after she seduces Joe.
This season opens up to the Goldbergs adjusting to life as sleep deprived parents learning how to care for their son. The couple is about as awful and insufferable as can be, so…why was I left rooting for Love? The latest third season follows Love and Joe’s life as parents to their son, Henry, and if you thought they would close the chapter on being psycho-killers, you’re highly mistaken. So when the tables turn and it’s revealed that she, too, is a murderer, Joe’s illusion is shattered-deciding only to spare her life because she is pregnant. Naturally, he falls deeper in love and becomes more and more obsessed with the idea of protecting her from the world. Because Joe is Joe, he soon begins to stalk Love and quickly discovers she has a toxic relationship with her family and a painful past.

When we first meet Love Quinn in season two of You, we see a smitten Joe Goldberg who has yet again managed to over-romanticize life with a new victim.