Add a cloudinit drive and make your configurations in Cloud-Init section.Qm importdisk 100 Arch-Linux-x86_64-cloudimg.qcow2 local Add the downloaded image to your VM using qm importdisk, ex:.Remove created hard disk from your VM after VM creation completes.Select "Do not use any media" in OS section.In the Linode manager, go to the VM's configurations menu and edit the configuration to change the kernel option to "Direct Disk".
Write the image to the disk: qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw Arch-Linux-x86_64-basic.qcow2 /dev/sda.
Install the qemu-utils package: apt update & apt install qemu-utils. Connect to the VM via the Lish console and download the basic image from a mirror, ex: curl -O. Create a new VM and select Arch as the distribution (to use the Linode-provided image, stop here otherwise proceed with the rest of the steps). Write the image to the disk: qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw Arch-Linux-x86_64-cloudimg.qcow2 /dev/sda. SSH to the VM and download the cloud image from a mirror, ex: curl -O. Vendor_data: The vendor_data from Hetzner overrides the distro and sets the default user to root without setting disable_root: false, meaning you can not login Create a new VM with this user data: #cloud-config. Nuremberg, Falkenstein (Germany), Helsinki (Finland) Add the image as a custom image by importing it. Instructions for tested providers is listed below: The image can be downloaded from the mirrors under the images directory. The image comes with Cloud-init preinstalled and should work with most cloud providers. This article discusses the use of Arch Linux on Virtual Private Servers, and includes some fixes and installation instructions specific to VPSes.Īrch Linux provides an official cloud image as part of the arch-boxes project.
The term is used for emphasizing that the virtual machine, although running in software on the same physical computer as other customers' virtual machines, is in many respects functionally equivalent to a separate physical computer, is dedicated to the individual customer's needs, has the privacy of a separate physical computer, and can be configured to run server software. Virtual private server (VPS) is a term used by Internet hosting services to refer to a virtual machine.